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Click on the individual headings, or specific issue; it will take you to alternatives and further information



  • avoiding posters, plastic banners and flyers

  • using alternative for tickets or cards

  • avoiding photocopying where possible

  • avoiding lamination



Food and Beverage

  • avoiding single-use plastic cups, plates, utensils etc.

  • avoiding single-use water bottles altogether

  • reducing consumption of meat products

  • providing recycling bins and garbage cans to eliminate littering

  • buy locally-produced and/or organic goods

  • buying ethical products

  • separating left-over food from other trash

  • avoiding individually packed food items



  • purchasing sustainable decorations

  • reusing decorations and materials year on year

  • reducing the impact of activities on the cleaning staff by reducing waste



  • avoid the purchase of cheap, breakable items

  • minimising the use of non-reusable materials

  • avoiding purchases from ‘fake’ markets  



  • reducing the amount of electricity and water used 


Wonder which sources we used? It's in the further reading or click on the facts to find out!

© 2017 by Sustainability Committee NIS

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