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Food & Beverage: Meat

Why reduce meat consumption? 

There are many reasons to reduce or give up meat altogether. Some of the most compelling are: 

  • Animal welfare: ten billion animals are killed for human consumption each year. Most animals are factory farmed, crammed into cages too small for them and fed food containing pesticides and antibiotics.  

  • Your health: meat and fish often contains toxic chemicals. Meat-eating is associated with health issues like heart disease. Vegetarian food contains less saturated fat and more vitamins. 

  • Environmental destruction: meat farming causes land, air and water pollution. The United Nations said in its 2006 report that livestock generate more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined.

  • Starving population: more and more land is being used to raise cattle or to grow the food for them. This means this land is not available to grow affordable food for the majority of the population.  


Further reading:


Consider vegetarian options for events 

Vegetarian Recipes

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